Frequently asked questions

  • Where will my dog be staying?

    Your beloved canine companion will be in the capable hands of our experienced trainer, residing comfortably within the trainer's home. Rest assured, we prioritize the well-being and happiness of every dog under our care.

  • Will i get updates while my pet is away

    We strive for utmost transparency to offer pet owners the reassurance they need while their companions are away from home. Anticipate regular updates through photos, videos, and texts, keeping you informed about your pet's training progress. Your connection with your pup will stay strong, even when miles apart.

  • HOW OFTEN WILL MY PET BE TRAINING THROUGHOUT THE DAY for the board and train package?

    Your pup will enjoy multiple daily training sessions, incorporating a mix of playtime and confidence-building exercises in novel environments. Additionally, we ensure ample neighborhood walks to enhance their overall experience and well-being.